Şifremi Unuttum
Kayıt Ol

Critical Pedagogy in ELT Reunderstanding the Teacher Roles

Ürün Kodu : 1002209
Barkod : 9786050330519
Yorum Yap
434,00 TL
Kitap Açıklaması

In this book, we discuss the concept of critical pedagogy (CP) and its links to general education and ELT education in particular. Our discussion covers CP's role in education together with its theoretical foundations, and we expand our discussion through demonstrating a CP-ELT relationship. We later focus on the teacher roles discussed in the area of language teaching, and further discuss how these are influenced by CP theory. This discussion particularly demonstrates teacher roles such as: teachers as passive technicians, teachers as reflective practitioners, and teachers as transformative intellectuals. We believe that this book provides a valuable source in understanding the language teaching profession which requires a careful analysis of social, cultural and historical realities that have affected the profession, as well as the changing roles of the language teachers.

Kitap Özellikleri
Basım Yılı2019-11-06
Cilt DurumuKarton
Kağıt Türü2.Hamur
Sayfa Sayısı88
T-Soft E-Ticaret Sistemleriyle Hazırlanmıştır.