Gelince Haber VerThisbookisasummaryofthetheoreticalknowledgefromthePhDThesis“AgriculturalSupportPoliciesforOlive Oil, Wheat, Milk, Sugar in Turkey with Reference to CAP” (2012) supervised by Prof.Dr.Osman Küçükahmetoğlu. I would like to thank to my supervisor Prof.Dr.Osman Küçükahmetoğlu for his motivation and advices. He shared his knowledgeanddocumentswithmeaswellasdiscussedthesubjectwithmeduringmyresearch.Heencouragedmeto do my bestin my studiesandhehadbeen interested witheverydetailsofthethesis.IalsothanktohimthatIlearned alotfromhislessonsandfromhisadvices. IwouldliketothanktoProf.Dr.ErolÇakmakwhohelpedmeshapingthethesisandenrichedmyresearch.Iwould liketothanktoAssoc.Prof.Dr.OkanGaytancıoğluforhiscommentsandcritiquesfromthebeginningofmyresearch. Hesupportedmewithhisknowledgeandencouragedmeduringthethesisprocess.IwouldthanktoAssoc.Prof. Dr. Sait Akman for his valuable feedbacks that shaped my research. He supported me with his critiques, comments and withhisknowledgeduringmythesis,andalsoduringmyPhDProgram. IamverygratefultomyparentsMustafaTopluandFatmaToplufortheirencouragementontocontinuemygrad- uatestudies.Theyalwayssupportedmeduringmyeducation. I especially wish to express my deepest appreciate to my husband Mehmet Haluk Yılmaz for providing endless mo- tivation, encouragement, support and advices. He enriched my vision and proved me that I could do my best.
Barkod | 9786258037548 |
Basım Yılı | 2022-07-18 |
Baskı | 1 |
Cilt Durumu | Karton |
Dil | Türkçe |
Ebat | 135-210- |
Kağıt Türü | Kitap Kağıdı |
Sayfa Sayısı | 113 |