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YÖKDİL İngilizce Sağlık Bilimleri 5 Deneme Sınavı

Ürün Kodu : 1133170
Barkod : 9786257184106
175,00 TL
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ABOUT THE AUTHORS Berkay Ündeğergraduatedfrom Hacettepe Universitywith a BA degree in English TranslationandInterpretation in 2005. He has worked at TOBB ETÜ since 2011, where he has taught General andAcademic English as well as Legal English classes. He has acted as a voiceactorforlisteningsections of exams. He graduatedfrom Bilkent Universitywith an MA degree in CurriculumandInstruction program withresearchintocriticalmedialiteracyeducation. His professionalinterestsinclude Language Assessment, SkillsTeaching, Academic English, English through J.R.R. Tolkien’sMiddle Earth, and Critical Media Literacy. Youmaycontacthimvia bundeger@etu.edu.tr Hande Akalan graduatedfromthedepartment of Foreign Language Education, METU in 2012. She has beenworking at TOBB ETÜ since 2014 andshe has been a member of theMeasurementand Evaluation Unit since 2016. Currently, she is having her MA in Measurementand Evaluation at Ankara University. Sheco-authored a number of test booksfor YÖKDİL. Her professionalinterestsinclude Language Assessment, AssessmentLiteracy, Item Development, ItemStatisticsandLifelong Learning. Youmaycontact her via handeakalan@gmail.com Pınar Kılıç graduatedfromthedepartment of Foreign Language Education, METU in 2009. Sheholds an MA in Human Resources Development in Educationfrom METU, and an MA in CurriculumandInstructionfrom Bilkent University. She has beenworking at TOBB ETÜ since 2010 and has been a member of theMeasurementand Evaluation Unit since 2018. She is theco-author of thebooksKeyStructurefor TOEFL ITP, KeyStructureforPre-IntermediatetoIntermediateLevels, andtheco-authorandeditor of Yökdil İngilizce Fen Bilimleri 5 Deneme Sınavı, Yökdil İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler 5 Deneme Sınavı, Yökdil İngilizce Sağlık Bilimleri 5 Deneme Sınavı, Success in YDT and YDT İkizi. She has alsoretoldthestorybooksTheLittle Black Fishand Heidi. Her professionalinterestsincludeAdultEducation, Philosophies of Education, Language Assessment, AssessmentLiteracy, andDesigning Training Programs. Youmaycontact her via klcpinar@gmail.com Şeyma Doğru Mert graduatedfromthedepartment of Foreign Language Education, METU in 2009. Between 2009 and 2010, sheworked in YardleyGobionPrimary School in Northampton, England. Sheholds an MA in English Language Teachingfrom METU. She has beenworking at TOBB ETÜ since 2010 and has been a member of theMeasurementand Evaluation Unit since 2011. In 2022, shegraduatedfromthedepartment of Home Economics in theFaculty of Open Education at Anadolu University. Currently, she is having her second MA in Measurementand Evaluation at Ankara University. She is theco-author of KeyStructurefor TOEFL ITP, KeyStructureforPre-IntermediatetoIntermediateLevels, Yökdil İngilizce Fen Bilimleri 5 Deneme Sınavı, Yökdil İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler 5 Deneme Sınavı, Yökdil İngilizce Sağlık Bilimleri 5 Deneme Sınavı, Success in YDT and YDT İkizi. She has alsoretoldthestorybooks Alice in WonderlandandRobinHood. Her professionalinterestsincludeConstructingItems, AssessingFourSkillsand Professional Development. Youmaycontact her via sdogru@etu.edu.tr Zeynep Selen Saydam Erdinç holds a BA in AmericanCultureandLiteraturefrom Ankara Universityand an MA in AmericanStudiesfromHeidelbergRuprechtKarlsUniversity. Sheworked as an instructor at TOBB ETÜ ForeignLanguagesDepartmentfrom 2011 to 2022 wheresheworked as a member of theMeasurementand Evaluation Unitfrom 2012 to 2022. She has beenworking as an instructor at thePreparatory Program at IzmirUniversity of Economics since August, 2022. Inaddition, she is a board member of METASIG, TESOL Türkiye. Sheco-authored a number of test booksfor YÖKDİL and YDT. Her professionalinterestsincludeitemdevelopmentandassessmentliteracy. Youmaycontact her via saydamselen@gmail.com

Kitap Özellikleri
Basım Yılı2025-01-27
Cilt DurumuKarton
Kağıt Türü2.Hamur
Sayfa Sayısı120
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